It's been a long journey, but finally...


I just can't believe how relieved I feel, Tim has finally been medically diagnosed by a professional doctor, not one but three at my local hospital. Off course while most children are diagnosed with autism at a much earlier age, unfortunately with Tim it didn't happen this way. It's been hard for me and my family to see my boy at such a young age suffer so much over the coming years. In fact we've all suffered.
The truth is, there has been so many misunderstandings over the years...
My local MP was my last resort to get help for Tim. He was absolutely shocked to know, how Tim was out of school more than one year and nothing was done whatsoever. Tim needed a school. Tim needed to be statemented asap. Until today I feel so grateful  what Keir Stammer did for  my son.  He personally visited my local authority and pushed them to find a school for Tim, with the right people to support him back into education and put into place an educational health and care plan...
I still can't understand, why Tim's Autism wasn't picked up at a much younger age. I feel happy he is now finally beginning to get the right help, but truthfully there is a part of me who feels completely let down and angry, why did it become so horribly wrong for Tim. I didn't deserve to go through this, as I witness Tim's desperation and suffering while I fought hard for him to get help. I personally feel it was a complete shamble, to ever allow a child like Tim, who was so desperate and suicidal at the time, a total neglect from professional people, who caused more damage than good to Tim's life...
It took one stranger on the bus to tell me exactly what Tim had. "It isn't ADHD, it's Autism. Please go to your GP and push for a medical diagnosis." "Thank you, thank you."
This is exactly what I wanted to hear. I wished someone would of told me this earlier. Why now? Thank you God. For putting this woman in front of us. She heard me converse with Muneca, as we travelled back home with Tim who was restlessly sitting far away from us on his favourite seat...




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