Dear diary, it's 2 in the early hours in the morning, 12th of January. It just seems such an odd time and date to say Happy New Year. But actually it's never to late to wish everyone a Happy New Year. At least I've said it... and I hope it will be a new year full of good accomplishments to happen.
I will try and keep this post short as it is absolutely late to still be up. It's been a full day and one of my to do things to do this coming year is to catch up with my rather abandoned blog. It's been almost a year since I haven't been on it. To many things happening last year. I will off course, share in due course what I've been up to with my family. One thing for sure, it's been a full on year, a difficult one and a positive one, and what ever happened in 2019, things will continue to reflect this year in a much better way.
Life experiences each day can present itself with downs in between ups. But the solutions are there in all shapes and forms. One such solution at hand, is, we can learn from others and teach others how to cope, bring those coping ideas to the table. Technology plays a huge role which gives us an opportunity to open up and share our own feelings by putting it down in writing. This is one reason why I decided to go back to blogging, with the idea to bring some sort of comfort and inspiration to others...
Anyway, this is it for now, today is another day and I for certain will be having a long lay in... hopefully I will not be interrupted by my youngest.

I left work just after 11 pm on New Years Eve and 
walked as fast as I could to get my bus. Actually it 
was a long tedious walk because of diversion. I was 
one of the only few walking against a huge multitude
of people walking towards me, all gathering for the 
fireworks display... eventually I made it home tired
cold and flustered, just in time to celebrate the New
 Year in, with the kids who were all still wide awake
and excited. 



Happy new year! Your such as inspiration. I really like this post. Please keep posting more.

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