Memories of a dog named Luna...
She was a small little bundle of joy when she came into our lives. Sleeping with her brother 2015.
Brings so many smiles in the park. August 2017.
She loves a to be the centre of attention. Maybe a kiss.
She loves to chill on top of a cushion.
She waits to see who's coming through the door.
She is the most beautiful girl.
She's comforting and warm.
She loves baby and children.
This is all she wants. Plenty of love and cuddles.
Photographed and edited some of these great shots of my dog with Sony Xperia XZ Premium smartphone. I am totally pleased with the results. I hope I'm not disappointed with the quality of prints with the idea of using some of these photographs as portraits.
2017 has been a great year for our dog so far. Her infectious well behaved, happy and playful personality continues to bring so much love in our home.