The B.F.G. at Everyman's Cinema...

The B.F. G. arrived at our small local cinema. We all love Everyman's cinema for it's comfortable leather sofas with matching soft, colorful cushions to lay our tired backs, drinking our favorite cold/hot drinks with snacks while watching our favorite film.
So I took my two youngest children to this cinema as a special one off holiday treat. We were all fortunate to see the B.F.G. in 3D.
The film directed by Stephen Spielberg, creates a wonderful story to see. Our eyes had taken us on an adventurous journey with this big friendly giant. I loved his floppy ears and  his rather strange garble gobbledygook accent.
The story is about two lonely characters in search of friendship. Sophie an orphan is snatched from an orphanage by a B.F.G. to his own home far away in giant land surrounded by mean giants.
We all laughed from time to time. The funniest bits, were those nasty ugly giants behaving badly. Funny enough I was reminded of them the following day when I had two big binmen who came into my home to throw some rubbish from my garden. They both looked very mean with loud scouse's accents, however they were all the opposite, nice gentle giants, with a great wiliness to help. "Never judge a book by it's cover."
The auditorium was filled with laughter when Sophie and the B.F.G. were invited by the Queen. It was a great ending to a well known children's story written by Roald Dahl. I personally felt encouraged to go home and search for this wonderful children's story somewhere hidden in storage, after watching this film with a wonderful happy ending. It was a treat the children thoroughly enjoyed very much... and me too.

Excited ready to watch the B.F. G.
Munequita and Timothy enjoying their cold refreshments.
Timothy happy with his 3D glasses.
To relaxed. The children might fall asleep if the film doesn't begin. It looks to comfortable.



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