Tim's first day at school.
It's all coming to an end. Seven years full of wonderful memories for Munequita, four years for Tim and off course my 14 year old boy who had the best time of his life, seven years while studying at Holy Trinity St Silas Church of England school situated in the heart of London. Here are a few photographs I managed to retrieve from my little bag. Behind each photo there is a memory, like Tim's first day busy creating a bead necklace. I certainly look at this photo and remember his journey. Ten years ago I had just moved home. I was five months pregnant with him when I visited this primary school. I remember my two and half year old toddler was quietly resting on a small pushchair, as we waited for the Head Mistress to appear. She came over and glanced quickly at Munequita. She thought, she was so well behaved for her age. One year later my four year old boy started reception. He was a football fanatic from a very early age. He couldn't wait to kick a ball there. It suited him perfectly well because there was a football club he joined when he was in year one. Juancito rapidly made friends from the very moment he joined reception. They were his football friends. They played football at break time, lunchtime, PE and football club. Kicking a ball had become a big part of his life.
I rapidly made friends with other Mummies and teachers became my friends. This little school had a great vibe of a close knit community. I felt welcomed and so were my children. While my boy was in reception I gave birth to Tim. I remember I couldn't wait to take him to school for everyone to know him. All the teachers and many parents loved baby Tim. My husband at the time had taken time out because of the birth of our new baby and I remember we didn't have much money, not after our big move a few months back. Parents rallied round to help us find a second hand twin push chair for me to move Tim and his sister around. Thankfully a parent manage to give us a side by side pushchair. It was a bit heavy and old fashioned, however it did the job to transport my little ones. I still can't believe it's gone fast. 

Timmy's about to leave home for his first day at school.

Children enjoyed Talacre soft area after school.
 It was a popular play area for my young children.
 It was a good way to get rid of their energy.
Children calling for Mummy.
Snacks after Talacre while waiting for the bus.
Munequita was in year 2.
Munequita and big brother in year 5.
Timmy in reception enjoying his little treat.
Timmy and Laura on their way to school standing on the side of Holy Trinity Church.
This is Timmy in reception.



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