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Stormy Waters...

This morning my thoughts were rocking backwards and forwards, in a state of mix emotions. I was angry, sad and disappointed. It wasn't fare I found myself caught up in the middle of a raging storm, my own emotions tossed around in all directions  . "Help! I need  reassurance. Where can I find it, in the midst of this raging storm?" My boat swayed crazily from side to side. God I need calm waters and a sun in sight, to uplift my cold and worry heart.
As a Mummy, I constantly remind myself about the raging storm written in the New Testament. Matthew 8:24. Suddenly a furious storm came out of nowhere in the lake and shook the boat furiously from side to side. Jesus was sleeping and his disciples woke him, saying "Lord save us." "We are perishing." "You of little faith," Jesus replied, "why are you so afraid?"

Yesterday, I went to Church and I was reminded by God's unfailing love, reassurance and promise towards us. All he wants from us, is to stick with him, even through stormy waters.
Although shaken in many ways, a flicker of hope continues  to shine ready to be renewed and live differently together  with love, compassion, understanding and respect.
As a Mummy, I continue to experience many raging storms. They are all very different. Some stronger than others.  Although sometimes I continue to feel washed out and tired, God continues to remind me of his purpose in my own life. He continues to nudge me, to do what He wants me to do, his will.
I am a sensitive person by nature, aren't we all at times? He continues to help me, to help myself, giving me ways how to manage. I thank God for giving me a more humble and forgiving heart towards everyone around me. I think about my children's Dad. God continues to help us, to put our own differences behind and what a difference it's been. I can now finally relax on the beach and enjoy watching the calm sea :)      



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